At Quantaflow, we want each employee to help build the company in which he/she wishes to work.
explains Christophe Milon, President.
As opposed to the traditional management model which consists in taking decisions at the top of the managerial pyramid, and handing them down the line to be applied,
Quantaflow’s management style is one which enables every employee to be self-reliant and a decision-maker.
as Benoit Devictor highlights.
The horizontal hierarchy system, implemented around activity circles, creates Circle Leaders with a natural authority.
They do not have any ‘inherent power’ over the teams, rather they manage by example, using their experience and their expertise.
As Benoit Devictor, Human Resources Director, told us, “Here, one can do anything, except what is formally forbidden”.
A whole world of opportunity to be seized, particularly missions which are not initially in the employee’s realm, but which may be well within the person’s skills.
Examples are worth a thousand words – at Quantaflow, no checking that holidays are taken correctly, no limit and no fixed scales for business expenses: we work on the principle that every employee is worthy of our confidence.
Every month we have the ‘indicator’ meetings which are used for free and frank discussions on the ‘circle’ projects and how we are moving forward. And it’s the same for the Group’s results, which are shared with everyone each year.
With this spirit which fuels our governance, the company is in constant transformation and adapts to meet each new challenge.
The company has thus fully embraced holacracy to meet its objectives.
This is embodied by several interlinked elements:
A written document, cast in stone, which lays out the rules of the game for the company.
This is the ‘tool’ that underlies the workings of meetings, projects and inter-employee relations. Holacracy has become the raison d’être of both the company, and the role of each individual. It is a fantastic means of distilling creativity and new ideas as well as driving collective intelligence.
Even though the shares of the company are 100% owned by our founder, the Group has developed a regular and transparent financial dialogue with our financial partners.
The financial results and the management system surrounding them, accompanied by our skilled financial team and a sophisticated computer system, enable anticipating future financial demands for funding development. 20% growth and more than a 5% increase in net results over the years are objectives quite regularly achieved.